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E-Business Card



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What Is E-Business Card: 

 E-Business Card is basically an Html/Javascript base file, In which included a command with every content to execute the task.


The basic concept behind that is to provide an effective and dynamic tool for business communication. In business, the communication sender sends information to the client about ownself and his business. The sender aims to provide full, effective, and easy access information to the client.

The client's point of view when he required sender business services, he could easily use the information provided by the sender.

E-business cards just develop on the basis of those concepts and try to fulfill both.

How Work E-Business Card: 

In a business E-card, you click on any content like a mobile number then a popup window opens, In this window, you see four content 1. Call, 2. Sms,3. Whatsapp, 4.Copy., When you click on call it directly takes you to the dialer of the device with the mention mobile number, here you just have to click on call, no need to type numbers, save numbers, just direct call. As same with all content-related activities, you can execute just click on content with help of commands.

Sender Features:


In the Name Section, he can add  About me or his pic along with his name, the client can see those in the pop-up window by click.


In this section, you can add your job profile with the designation.

3.Mobile Number 1:

In this section, you have the option to add four activities:-

a. Call

b. Sms

c. whatsapp

d. Copy

you may choose according to your requirement or may choose all.

4.Mobile Number 2:

In this section, you have the option to add four activities:-

a. Call

b. Sms

c. whatsapp

d. Copy

you may choose according to your requirement or may choose all.

5. Company Name:

In this section, you may use Company Profile or about us with Company Name.


In this section, you may add your catalog or Service Details.

*Address, Email, Website have default features to execute those, Just fill those.

Client Features:

A client can use all the above information provided by the sender in an E-Business card to see or execute with just one click.


This is a mixed bag for the sender, client, and developer. Here you may do the following activity:

1.Save Card.

2.Share Card.

3.Copy for Correspondance.

 Upcoming new features will be added here.

How can make E-business cards for businesses just free:

Click Here To Make E-Business Card.

or G0:-,

then on the office tool page there select E-business Card Maker and follow the instruction.